Ep. 1 Photo Gallery:
Wind, Wings, and Water Retrieves

Ep. 3 Photo Gallery:
Two States, Two Days, and Two Species

Photos by Aaron Black-Schmidt, Logan Hinners, Jordan Darley

It’s no secret that it takes quality habitat to produce abundant wildlife—but it also takes robust public funding, solid partnerships, and sound conservation policy to shape that habitat and create more public access. Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever’s dedicated Government Affairs team works in Washington D.C. and state capitols across America every day to help create and secure funding for programs like Iowa’s IHAP and Nebraska’s OFW that benefit our upland landscapes, the wildlife that calls them home, and your ability to get out there enjoy them for yourself.

To learn more about our policy priorities and ways you can help advocate for public access and upland habitat conservation, click HERE .

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