Habitat & Conservation  |  10/25/2022

When the Stars Align in the Name of Access

Restored upland and wetland habitats that are part of the recent McCann Creek Fishery Area Addition.

When the stars align, great things happen

By Marty Moses, Wisconsin State Coordinator

When the stars align, great things happen. That is the sentiment in Chippewa County, Wisconsin as the local Chippewa Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever unveiled new public access through Pheasants Forever’s Build A Wildlife Area® (BAWA) initiative. The McCann Creek Fishery Area Addition provides 182.5 acres of new public access immediately adjacent to the 184-acre McCann Creek Fishery Area north block.

This BAWA acquisition is strategic, providing hunters with greater access to quality hunting on over 140 acres of excellent upland pheasant habitat in a region more known for agriculture, flowages, marshes and forests in Chippewa County. Northwestern Wisconsin is home to our state’s most stable wild pheasant populations, a strong hunting heritage, and local communities that enjoy an economic boost from hunting and fishing activities. In addition, this acquisition expands opportunities for fishing and trapping, creating an all-around sportsmen’s paradise for Bloomer Township and Chippewa County.

Staff Photo

Travis Hakes, Chippewa Valley Chapter board president, commented, “I have driven by this property often and was impressed with how well the prairie came in over the last few years. When I first noticed the For Sale sign, I immediately contacted Scott Stipetich, PF’s Precision Ag and Conservation Specialist, and the ball started to roll a year ago.” Travis added, “This property offers a diverse habitat which makes it a desirable acquisition for our chapter. Our chapter is grateful for all the hard work from everyone involved, and excited for all those looking forward to get involved with managing this habitat for generations to come.”

Funding support for this project came from the Chippewa Valley Chapter and a diverse array of sponsors including Wisconsin’s Knowles Nelson Stewardship Program, North American Wetland Conservation Act, Chippewa County Stewardship Fund, Cabela’s Outdoor Fund and National Wild Turkey Federation.

Aerial Banner
Photos by Dave Roll
Aerial Shot
Photo by Aaron Blackschmidt

By Marty Moses is a Wisconsin State Coordinator

This story originally appeared in the 2022 Fall Issue of the Pheasants Forever Journal. If you enjoyed it and would like to be the first to read more great upland content like this, become a member today!