Sign up for or renew your PF or QF membership now to be sure you get the upland hunting world’s biggest and best annual publication.
By Tom Carpenter
It has become a rite of late summer in the upland bird hunting world. Mailboxes eagerly await its arrival as the true harbinger of fall: It can’t be long now. Pages are eagerly consumed and soon dog-eared: Yes this is the year I am going to … (insert new bird or hunting adventure here).
Yes, the 6th annual Upland Bird Hunting Super Issue is soon going to the printer. That means it is time you make sure you are going to get it.
RENEW OR SIGN UP BY JULY 26 to assure you get on the list for this issue, which will mail in mid-August.
Truth be told, this is always a great annual reminder to renew your membership. And if you have been thinking about joining, there is no better reason to pull the trigger.
Of course, it all starts with a cover.
Whether it’s over the bluestem, out of a plum thicket or from the base of a saguaro, the thrill of a rooster pheasant, bobwhite or Gambel’s quail on the wing squeezes the upland hunter’s throat with thrill. These three species, painted so finely by artist Joel Pilcher for our cover, are perhaps the “poster birds” for Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever. But this, our annual Upland Bird Hunting Super Issue, celebrates all the uplands while making a special invitation to experience quail if you are primarily a pheasant person, and pheasants if you’ve only known quail. The uplands are one. Our habitat mission is one. Stay a member, volunteer, share your bounty, make a difference. All the uplands call, and we all must listen.
It is my privilege to have edited 5 of the 6 issues of this annual publication for you. Of course, I think this one is the best yet. It is a real team effort to produce a publication of this quality, and it is hard to pick favorites, but here are 5 things I am most excited about:
Art and Imagery
As wonderful as I think the words are, this issue’s original photography and artwork, and bang-up design from Logan Hinners, Emily Snyder and Hunter Buth, will get your eyes bugging and heart thumping.
A series of 5 short from-the-heat essays from writers particularly passionate about a particular upland bird.
Public Pheasants and Quail
We’ll get you on to, and more successful on, your favorite bird … and get you excited about “the other.”
Prairie Grouse
Celebrations of our native grassland and steppe birds.
Living Legend
A wonderful story from Ben O. Williams leads the content. Read this tale close and you will also learn a lot about the mindset and approach this living legend takes toward bird dogs.
That’s it. That’s all I’m giving up. You gotta get the issue to get the full meal deal! Renew now and continue to support all Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever do for public lands and upland habitat. If you are not yet a member, it is time to sign up. Either way, July 26 is the deadline to get the 2022 Super Issue.
Tom Carpenter is editor at Pheasants Forever but mostly puts up with all that to work on the annual Upland Bird Hunting Super Issue.