Public Access to Habitat
How to Enroll
Make a Donation


Quality habitat, healthy wildlife populations and an abundance of publicly accessible lands create a formula providing tremendous dividends for hunters, families, and communities throughout pheasant and quail country. In Nebraska, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are expanding this model for community-based conservation with the launch of its Nebraska Community Access Partnership (NCAP) initiative.

Currently, NCAP has enrolled over 44,000 acres of habitat and access throughout western Nebraska’s pheasant, quail and prairie grouse range.

Program Goals

NCAP’s objective is to increase the quantity and quality of private lands open for public hunting access within 60 miles of Ogallala, Nebr. and increase the number of hunters traveling to the local communities. Each year, over 130,000 hunters inject more than $990 million into the Nebraska economy. The more days hunters spend in the field — the more money is generated locally at hotels, gas stations and restaurants.

Landowners within the target area of Keith, Deuel, Garden, Arthur, Lincoln and Cheyenne counties have the opportunity to receive $10 to $25/acre incentive payment for high-quality habitat on rangeland, tall wheat and milo stubble, traditional CRP fields and odd areas with a 5-year agreement.


How to Enroll

Landowners interested in learning more about NCAP eligibility can connect with a PF Farm Bill Biologist in Nebraska, or contact PF Nebraska state coordinator Kelsi Wehrman at (402) 621-0744.

How It Works

Creating communities committed to conservation.


Landowner offers 100 acres of high-quality CRP in Keith Co. The NCAP bonus = $25/ac x 100 = $2,500 and the potential annual OFW = $10/ac x100 = $1,000/year for a total of $7,500 over the life of the OFW contract.

Landowner offers 2,000 acres of rangeland in Arthur Co. The NCAP bonus = $10/ac x2,000 = $20,000 and the potential annual PFW = $2/ac x 2,000 = $4,000. A total of $40,000 over the 5-years of the contract.


Program FAQ's

Where can I find out more information about NCAP enrollment and land eligibility?

» Information about NCAP can be found on the Nebraska Pheasants Forever website on the by navigating to the NCAP page.

How are payment rates determined?

Landowners willing to allow 5-years in the public access Open Fields and Waters Program (OFW) through Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) can qualify for two options:

» $25/ac one-time bonus for quality sites enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

» $10/ac one-time bonus for rangeland

These bonuses are on top of the annual public access payment, which varies from $0.50-$15/ac based on cover type.

What acres are eligible for NCAP?

» Active CRP contracts with a minimum of five years remaining on their contract are eligible for the $25/ac one-time bonus.

» Grazed rangelands or grasslands are eligible for the $10/ac incentive.

What is the contract length?

» The OFW public access agreement and NCAP bonus require a 5-year commitment.

Are existing and/or expiring OFW contracts eligible?

» Yes. Existing OFW contracts are eligible, we simply sign a new contract and include the NCAP signature page for the producer to receive the bonus. Currently, our main focus area is within Keith, Arthur, Deuel, Garden, Cheyenne and Lincoln Co.

Is there cost share options for habitat restorations?

» Yes. These vary slightly depending on location and the needs of the landowner. Partner programs include the Berggren Pheasant Plan, Nebraska WILD agreements and Pheasants Forever Inc – Pathways for Wildlife. In addition, there are great opportunities for enrolling in federal programs through the USDA, such as the Conservation Reserve Program and the Environmental Quality Incentive Program. There are Pheasants Forever Inc Farm Bill Wildlife Biologists and NGPC Biologists happy to meet discuss habitat goals!

Am I required to sign up for an OFW contract through NGPC?

» Yes, this NCAP bonus program is directly tied to an OFW agreement. What’s exciting about that, is besides an NCAP bonus, landowners will receive an annual OFW payment.

Make a Donation

Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education and land management policies and programs. Your support will create more acres of quality habitat and public access.

Select Donation Amount

$25 = 1 Acre of Access

  • (USD)