The North American Grouse Partnership (NAGP) is proud to announce that Jordan Martincich has joined its Board of Directors. Jordan is a passionate upland bird hunter and prairie grouse lover with significant conservation sector leadership experience. He is member of the Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s team where he serves as the organization’s Vice President of Development.
“It’s an honor to join the NAGP Board of Directors. NAGP is a small but mighty organization that has been punching above its weight for many years. I look forward to helping NAGP expand its reach for the benefit of grouse, the ranching community, and future generations,” said Jordan.
“We are very excited to have Jordan on our Board” said NAGP President Jon Haufler. “His background in development combined with his passion for grouse provide a tremendous resource for our organization.”
Jordan will help grow NAGP from its status as an emerging player in wildlife conservation to become a leader in prairie grouse conservation across North America. This growth comes at a time when prairies are recognized as the most threatened ecosystem type on the continent and lesser prairie-chickens in the southwestern Great Plains were recently listed under the Endangered Species Act.
Our work could not be more urgent,” said Ted Koch, Executive Director of NAGP. “We’re excited to have Jordan’s strength and energy behind us.”
NAGP is a 501(c) (3), not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of North America’s 12 grouse species and their habitats through science, policy, partnerships, and management. It was founded in 1999 by falconers concerned about the loss of grouse habitat and populations and is celebrating its 25
th year. To learn more about NAGP, check out our website at