Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are proud to announce the hiring of Ashley Chance as the organization’s hunting heritage program manager. In her new role, Chance will focus on leadership, coordination, and support of nationwide programs to recruit, retain & reactivate (R3) hunting conservationists through strategic, outcome-based initiatives.
“Ashley has worked in wildlife conservation for more than a decade and understands the value that a vibrant hunting community plays in making sure nature remains relevant in a technological society,” said Colby Kerber, Pheasants Forever’s director of conservation education programs. “Her passion for the uplands and America’s hunting heritage was evident throughout the interview process. I’m confident she will build upon our existing Path to the Uplands initiatives to continue elevating Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever as a national leader in the space of hunting heritage.”
Prior to joining Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, Chance honed her skills in the R3 realm as the Artemis southeast regional coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation. In that position, she recruited, trained, and managed volunteers across the country to host conservation, hunting, and angling programs for sportswomen on private and public lands. She formerly worked as an agricultural livelihood specialist in Ghana-West Africa with the U.S. Peace Corps, focused on community building via sustainable working lands and bolstering native species. She holds a bachelor’s degree in wildlife ecology research and management from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and an M.S. in wildlife, fisheries, and aquaculture from Mississippi State University.
Chance will manage all of Pheasant Forever and Quail Forever’s hunting heritage programs, including Learn to Hunt and Learn to Shoot events, as well as the Hunter Mentor Pledge — a partnership between Pheasants Forever and ALPS OutdoorZ that works to educate, advocate, and inspire hunters from all walks of life to create responsible future conservation advocates. All these programs are designed to help youth and adults interested in hunting do it responsibly. By connecting the dots of conservation, ethics, and hunter engagement, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s authentic experiences provide opportunities focused on quality events with relevant outcomes.
“My experiences as a non-traditional upland hunter, wildlife biologist, and program coordinator provides me with a unique understanding of the barriers that exist for people wanting to begin, or return to, hunting,” Chance said. “I look forward to working with the talented team at Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever to remove those barriers and introduce more people to our world.”
About Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever make up the nation's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to upland habitat conservation. This community of more than 400,000 members, supporters and partners is dedicated to the protection of our uplands through habitat improvement, public access, education and advocacy. A network of 754 local chapters spread across North America determine how 100 percent of their locally raised funds are spent — the only national conservation organization that operates through this grassroots structure. Since its creation in 1982, the organization has dedicated more than $1 billion to 575,000 habitat projects benefiting 24 million acres.
Media Contact
Casey Sill