Learn to Hunt
Learn to Hunt events are a wonderful way for chapters and staff to reach out to their local community. Many people are interested in hunting but lack a clear pathway to gaining experience in the field. A Learn to Hunt event can provide these initial opportunities while fostering authentic relationships between mentors and new hunters – helping to ensure that new hunters are retained far into the future. Learn to Hunt events can be focused on a target demographic (adults, women, youth, people of color, etc.) and should be tailored according to the audience. For example, at a women’s event at least 50% of mentors and instructors should be women and you might include a session on staying safe on public lands and may have shotguns with compact stocks on site for participants to try out.
The full Learn to Hunt Guide, detailing a step-by-step process for planning and hosting one of these events, can be found here.
To expand, educate and engage the upland conservation community by providing new hunters with field experience and relationships with mentors that they can lean on throughout their hunting journey.
Our Impact:
Over 330 annual learn to hunt events focused on adults, women, youth and minorities reaching more than 3,000 participants.
Feedback from actual participants:
“This weekend was perfect!! Thank you so much for putting together such an amazing event with an awesome group of women!! Every detail was well-thought out from accommodations to food to instructions to chasing feathers. Looking forward to the next one! Thank you so much!!!”
“This was wonderful and I’m sad it is over. I wish I would have found out about it in my twenties and not in my forties!” “I really think the whole event was amazing I don’t think I would change anything. I’m incredibly thankful for the opportunity.”
“Always nice to have more female mentors, i know they aren’t that easy to find! The guys mentoring here were kind, helpful, listened and taught really well. Thanks for making it a safe and supportive environment for women! I’ve experienced LTH events that aren’t that way and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your effort in this respect :)”
Learn to Hunt Event Checklist:
Step 1. Form a Planning Team and choose a species to focus on
» If the event is for adults, submit a grant application at least two weeks prior to the event to receive reimbursement for 50% of event expenses up to $500
Step 2. Create Event and Recruit Participants
» Create an online event within our national system using your chapter portal and share it to social media
» If this event is for women, use our Women on the Wing Brand Guide for all printouts and advertising materials
Step 3. Insurance
» Submit completed Volunteer Insurance Coverage Form to insurance@pheasantsforever.org at least 24 hours prior to the event
Step 4. Host the event!
» Collect participant information and complete
» Everyone at the event must sign a
» Have fun and take lots of photos!
Step 5. Report the event through your chapter portal or at: pheasantsforever.org/eventreporting
» Number of participants
» Number of volunteers
» Total volunteer hours
Email photos and/or videos to huntingheritage@pheasantsforever.org
Congratulations and thank you for guiding new hunters into the field!