Photos by Aaron Black-Schmidt, Logan Hinners, Jordan Darley
Hunting our way through the last day of the 2023 Rooster Road Trip, it was natural to reflect back on the whirlwind of a week we had just experienced. The amazing points, the incredible flushes, the occasional missed shots and the abundant shared laughs and high fives… But It's important to keep things in perspective - to have your feet solidly planted on the ground and your eyes trained on the horizon. You have to realize that amazing public land hunting opportunities exist throughout our country while also acknowledging there’s more work to be done. We must continue advocating for robust public access policy and programs, we have to contribute time, talent, and resources to permanently protected and publicly accessible acres of high-quality habitat – and we have to stand up and speak loudly for the silent landscapes that mean so much to all of us.
Hunters, conservationists, and landowners are connected to our natural resources like no other community - and it’s up to all of us to lead by example and be catalysts for positive change – it’s up to all of us to be the people that our bird dogs think we are.
Want to help us create more permanently protected and publicly accessible upland habitat? Make a donation to our Build a Wildlife Area program today! And to learn more about our policy priorities and ways you can help advocate for public access and upland habitat conservation, click HERE .
The Rooster Road Trip is made possible by: