Pollinator Habitat Program will provide financial assistance and training for PF/QF chapters to engage youth, families and local communities in establishing pollinator habitat projects. The objectives of this program are to educate participants on the importance of pollinators and pollinator habitat as well as establish quality pollinator habitat projects.

Step 1: Agree to Program Criteria

Read the information below to make sure your project will meet the program’s minimum criteria. To accomplish program objectives, grants up to $500 per project will be made available to PF/QF chapters who agree to meet the following guidelines:

  • Chapters must engage a youth or community group in establishing a pollinator habitat project (i.e. classrooms, 4H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, FFA, Garden Club etc.).
  • Pollinator projects must meet Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever's Pollinator Habitat Standard.
    • Pollinator seed mix is recommended to have 30 to 40 species (includes grass and forb or wildflower species--Pollinator seed mixes ordered through Pheasants Forever meet this standard)
    • A minimum of 50% of the seed mix must be comprised of wildflowers
    • Seed mix must include at least one species of milkweed
    • Seed mix must include at least 3 species in each bloom period
  • Chapters must pay for the entire project up front. Chapters will be reimbursed for half of all expenses associated with the project up to $500.00 after all reports have been submitted. (i.e. seed cost, wildflower plugs, signs, site prep, educational materials, food/water for education day).
  • Chapters must include educational activities and/or curriculum in conjunction with the establishment of the pollinator project.
  • Chapters must establish one pollinator habitat project sign recognizing all national program sponsors. Chapters must also recognize national program sponsors in all promotional materials associated with the project.
  • Chapters must complete and return all required reports to Pheasants Forever's within 30 days of project completion.

If Chapters agree to all the criteria above, you are eligible to apply for a Pollinator Habitat Program grant. For more promotional information on the Pollinator Habitat Program, click the link below.

Step 2: Complete the Grant Application Packet

PF/QF Chapters must complete the online Grant Application & Agreement to be considered for funding. Grant applications will be reviewed by PF/QF staff and you will be notified about the status of your application within two weeks of submitting your grant application. Make sure to fill out acres established and attach a project map.

Step 3: Read Through the Pollinator Program Guideline Book

After you have received word that you will receive grant funding for your project, read the Pollinator Habitat Guidelines Book that provides helpful hints on how to plan and conduct a successful project.

Step 4: Complete Your Final Report

When your project is finished, compile all receipts associated with your project and complete the Event Report Form and Volunteer Hours Log. You can download report forms by clicking the links below. After you have completed your report forms, you can email receipts, report forms, picture from the event and any newspapers articles covering the events to habitateducation@pheasantsforever.org.

If you need to report event but are not a PF/QF chapter please email habitateducation@pheasantsforever.org.

Step 5: Monitoring Activities

While it's not a requirement of the program, chapters are encouraged to engage students in monitoring activities after the project is established to help evaluate the project’s success. The monitoring part of the project can be led by the chapter or by the teacher/group leader. There are a number of citizen science monitoring activities that can be used in conjunction with your project that are designed to engage students in the data collection of actual research projects being conducted by universities. Check out the following citizen science monitoring activities:


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Program Partners