Habitat & Conservation  |  11/12/2024

Post-Election, Our Mission Remains the Same


Conservation Transcends Politics

By: Marilyn Vetter , President & CEO

If you took some time out of your busy fall schedule to vote last week – thank you. Your civic engagement is not only a duty, but a meaningful contribution to shaping the future we share as conservationists and hunters.

Historically, sportsmen and women haven’t been known for high election participation, but this year we have been highly targeted by nationwide get out to vote efforts (including our own), and for good reason! This year’s voter turnout, which many of our community have contributed to, was extraordinary.

Your news feeds are probably flooded with punditry on the outcomes of the election and filled with anxious or elated speculation about what this election means for the nation. I want to answer a different, more pointed question that has been on my mind and may be on your mind too – what does all this mean for Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever? In short:

Our mission remains the same today as at our founding 42 years ago.

Looking to the future, our team will continue to execute our strategic priorities, deliver vital habitat and access across the country, and educate, engage and expand the upland conservation community to amplify our mission. We will also maintain our nonpartisan approach to advocacy, because we know that even in these highly partisan times, conservation transcends politics. We are proud to be recognized as a trusted voice advocating to advance conservation policies and program funding, a reputation we have achieved by always promoting common sense initiatives that have broad Republican and Democrat support.

Our team will remain dedicated to advancing key conservation funding initiatives like the Farm Bill and the North American Grasslands Conservation Act, and we are ready to work with all elected or appointed officials who share our vision for grasslands habitat, hunting access, and vibrant rural communities rooted in recreation.

Last week’s election also brought good news for the outdoor community, and we’re thrilled to highlight some significant ballot measure wins:

» In Florida, voters approved a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to hunt and fish;

» Colorado voters rejected a ballot initiative to ban hunting of big cats--an important win for science-based wildlife management; and

» In Minnesota, voters overwhelmingly chose to keep a large portion of lottery proceeds funding the Environment and National Resources Trust Fund; this decision will allow PF to continue conserving more than 45,000 acres of habitat each year.

At Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, we work year-round to protect, restore and re-create upland habitat. Autumn reminds us of the reason behind these efforts: habitat is what we do, and hunting is how many of us honor and enjoy it.

Thank you for your commitment to conservation—at the ballot box, the chapter banquets, and in the field. And to everyone out hunting this season, good luck!