Two States, Two Days, and Two Species
Episode Two from the 14th annual Rooster Road Trip has the crew joining on on a special opening day tradition.
Representing nearly 100 Pheasants Forever chapters, Iowa’s dedicated network of volunteers has established more than 600,000 acres of nesting cover, 300,000 acres of food and cover plots, and restored more than 19,000 acres of wetlands. Keeping this in mind, it’s no wonder that bird numbers within the state seem to have rebounded after some key regions received a slight reprieve from Mother Nature throughout this past winter and spring.
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever will help restore thousands of acres of tallgrass prairie.
Recapping the trip’s first day of public land hunting on wildlife areas in southcentral Minnesota.
Home to nearly 25,000 Pheasants Forever members and an incredibly strong chapter network, Minnesota is the birthplace of Pheasants Forever and the quality and abundance of publicly accessible upland habitat that can be found within its borders speaks to that.